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Invoke a Packaged MATLAB Function

Invoke a compiled MATLAB® function using the Python® object returned from the initialize() function.

result1,...resultN = my_client.function_name(in_args, nargout=nargs,
  • my_client — Name of object returned from initialize()

  • function_name — Name of the function to invoke

  • in_args — Comma-separated list of input arguments

  • nargs — Number of expected results. The default value is 1.

  • out_stream — Python StringIO object receiving the console output. The default is to direct output to the console.

  • err_stream — Python StringIO object receiving the error output. The default is to direct output to the console.

Each variable on the left side of the function call is populated with a single return value.


If you provide less than nargs variables on the left side of the function call, the last listed variable contains a list of the remaining results. For example

result1, result2 = myMagic.triple(5,nargout=3)

leaves result1 containing a single value and result2 containing a list with two values.

Invoke MATLAB Function with Single Output

To invoke the MATLAB function result = mutate(m1, m2, m3) from the package mutations, you use this code:

import mutations
import matlab

myMutator = mutations.initialize()

m1 = matlab.double([1,2,3])
m2 = matlab.double([10,20,30])
m3 = matlab.double([100,200,300])

result = myMutator.mutate(m1,m2,m3)

Invoke MATLAB Function with Zero Outputs

To invoke the MATLAB function mutate(m1,m2,m3) from the package mutations, you use this code:

import mutations
import matlab

myMutator = mutations.initialize()

m1 = matlab.double([1,2,3])
m2 = matlab.double([10,20,30])
m3 = matlab.double([100,200,300])


Receive Multiple Results as Individual Variables

To invoke the MATLAB function c1,c2 = copy(o1,o2) from the package copier, use this code:

>>> import copier
>>> import matlab
>>> myCopier = copier.initialize()
>>> c1,c2 = myCopier.copy("blue",10,nargout=2)
>>> print(c1)
>>> print(c2)

Receive Multiple Results as Single Object

To invoke the MATLAB function copies = copy(o1,o2) from the package copier, use this code:

>>> import copier
>>> import matlab
>>> myCopier = copier.initialize()
>>> copies = myCopier.copy("blue",10,nargout=2)
>>> print(copies)

Invoke a MATLAB Function in the Background

To invoke a MATLAB function sumwrap from the package sumwrap asynchronously, use this code:

>>> import sumwrap
>>> import matlab
>>> sw = sumwrap.initialize()
>>> a = matlab.double([[1, 2],[3, 4]])
>>> future = sw.sumwrap(a, 1, background=True)
>>> future.result()

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