MATLAB Web App Server


MATLAB Web App Server

Share MATLAB apps and Simulink simulations as browser-based web apps

Get Started:

Deployment of MATLAB Web Apps

MATLAB Web App Server provides the infrastructure to host and share your custom MATLAB apps and Simulink simulations as interactive web apps.

Domain Experts

After using MATLAB App Designer to create apps with user interface components, domain experts package them as interactive web apps using MATLAB Compiler. To run Simulink simulations as web apps, domain experts package the compiled Simulink model and MATLAB code used to set up, run, and analyze the simulation using Simulink Compiler™.

Developing and packaging MATLAB apps and Simulink simulations.

Developing and packaging MATLAB apps and Simulink simulations.

IT System Administrators

IT system administrators manage the operation of MATLAB Web App Server within the organization’s enterprise IT ecosystem. MATLAB Web App Server automatically handles the hosting and sharing of multiple web apps, even if they require different MATLAB Runtime versions to run.

Managing the deployment of MATLAB web apps.

Managing the deployment of MATLAB web apps.

End Users

End users access and run the interactive web apps using a browser via a unique URL to the MATLAB Web App Server home page or to the app itself. No additional MathWorks software is required to run the web apps.

Accessing and running the web apps.

Accessing and running the web apps.

Authentication and Access Control

MATLAB Web App Server employs industry-standard authentication and access control protocols to secure your interactive web apps and data.


Use authentication to validate user credentials and provide access to the web apps hosted on MATLAB Web App Server. MATLAB Web App Server supports authentication using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and OpenID Connect (OIDC).

Authorized users can access and run all hosted apps

Authorized users can access and run all hosted apps

Role-Based Access Control

Control access to web apps by configuring MATLAB Web App Server to assign roles to individuals in your organization. App authors can create, upload, delete, and run web apps; end users can only run web apps.

Securely controlling access to web apps.

Securely controlling access to web apps.

Policy-Based Access Control

Provide access to individual apps or app folders using policy-based access control in MATLAB Web App Server. Users who are authorized to access certain apps or app folders can only see and run those specific apps.

Users can access and run only the authorized apps

Users can access and run only the authorized apps

Support for Web Apps Developed Using Different Releases

MATLAB Web App Server can run apps developed with different releases of MATLAB and Simulink.

Migrate Previously Deployed Web Apps with No Additional Work

MATLAB apps developed using release R2019b or later releases can be simultaneously hosted and shared using the same MATLAB Web App Server instance. You do not have to repackage web apps when you upgrade to a newer release of MATLAB or Simulink.

Deploying web apps from multiple releases.

Deploying web apps from multiple releases.

Royalty-Free Sharing

Configure MATLAB Web App Server to use MATLAB Runtime, a collection of shared libraries that supports the execution of MATLAB and Simulink based web apps. You can install and run multiple versions of MATLAB Runtime starting from release R2019b on the same MATLAB Web App Server instance.

MATLAB Web App Server running multiple versions of MATLAB Runtime

MATLAB Web App Server running multiple versions of MATLAB Runtime.

Provide Unlimited Access with a Single License

MATLAB Web App Server handles multiple simultaneous requests from any number of users through a single server-instance license.

Add End Users Without Adding Licenses

Each server-instance of MATLAB Web App Server lets you host and run as many apps and serve as many end users as the server hardware has the capacity to support. 

Providing access to additional end users.

Providing access to additional end users.

Set Up Multiple Server-Instances for Your Teams

Install multiple server-instances of MATLAB Web App Server to support and run MATLAB web apps for individual departments or teams in the organization. Each server-instance is accessed by a unique URL serving end users of that specific department.

Setting up server-instance for an individual team.

Setting up server-instance for an individual team.