Polyspace Products



Making Critical Code Safe and Secure


Polyspace® static code analysis products use formal methods to prove the absence of critical run-time errors under all possible control flows and data flows. They include checkers for coding rules, security vulnerabilities, code metrics, and hundreds of additional classes of bugs.

Polyspace Access

Identify coding defects, review static analysis results, and monitor software quality metrics

Polyspace Bug Finder

Check coding rules, security standards, code metrics, and find bugs

Polyspace Bug Finder Server

Identify software defects via static analyses running on server computers

Polyspace Code Prover

Formally prove the absence of critical run-time errors without executing code

Polyspace Code Prover Server

Prove the absence of run-time errors in software

Polyspace Client for Ada

Prove the absence of run-time errors in source code

Polyspace Server for Ada

Perform code verification on computer clusters and publish metrics

MATLAB Desktop

Automated static code analysis using formal methods for C/C++ and Ada


Find bugs and formally prove the absence of critical runtime errors - without test cases or code execution.


Meet safety standards and document compliance to MISRA, ISO 26262, IEC 61508, DO-178, and FDA regulations.


Check software security vulnerabilities and standards such as CWE, CERT-C, ISO/IEC 17961, and others.

Panel Navigation

Volvo Cars

With Polyspace, we can ensure software security and quality by identifying and fixing critical run-time errors before every code merge.

Panel Navigation

Alenia Aermacchi

Polyspace static analysis tools check the code for run-time errors, ensure compliance with MISRA coding standards, and create artifacts for DO-178 certification credit.

Panel Navigation


Polyspace helps Miracor demonstrate quality and correctness to the regulatory community, including the FDA, to prove that our device is safe.